Monday, August 25, 2008

Blog 1

What is the one book you'd want to have on a deserted island? Why?
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Even though I cry through the whole thing I am fascinated with the idea and the story. It has a happy ending which helps to make up for all the sadness you must endure.

Name a movie that you have seen more than twice. What do you like about it?
Elf with Will Ferrell. It's hilarious! My brother and I have watched it countess times and we know every word. The thing I like about it is it's not vulgar humor.

Turn on your iPod or MP3 player and set it to shuffle. What are the first five songs that play?
The End- The Doors
Hotel California-Eagles
Karma Police-Radiohead
Paint it Black-The Rolling Stones
The Good left Undone- Rise Against

What is your best personality trait? Your worst?
I am very honest and dependable; I am a true friend.
I have a bit of a temper.

What is the last thing you wrote?
It was an essay for my education class but I forget what about.

Name five possessions you can't live without.
ipod (some form of music), cellular device, mom's diamond ring, necklace with my late friends ashes, my Mac

When in a group, do you lead or follow?
In class groups I used to be a follower, but in my last project I took initiative and lead.

You received a gift of $1,000. What do you do with it?
Put it in the bank and be thankful I can pay the mortgage! haha

What is the best advice you've ever gotten, and who gave it to you?
"You need to look at the brighter side of life" My Mother on my negativity