Sunday, December 30, 2012

Kandy Magazine cover

Go buy your copy at now =)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Jarvis, my IRobot Roomba

I'm in love!!! I am having an affair with Romba! He cleans my floors! Seriously though everyone should have one.. It cleans everyday on a timer, knows when it's finished and docks itself back up to charge. These new obsidian hardwood floors are impossible to keep clean but Roomba had changed all that for me =)) have named him Jarvis

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Kona Tanning Company

For any of y'all that are starting to lose that Summer glow, Katie at Kona Tanning Company is the answer! She will leave you bronzy and beautiful!  Visit to make an appt today. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Big Picture

All outcomes are the sum of a culmination of past decisions and circumstances. There is not one person or choice to blame or thank for where you ended up in life. You are looking too closely, take a step back, open your eyes and really see this life; as a whole, beautiful photograph. When you allow yourself to get too close to the picture, the pixels begin to blur and distract you from what you should enjoy every second of. One little mistake or poor choice is just a pixel in an entire beautiful photograph. This life is short and we’re not guaranteed another. Remember to take a step back everyday and see things as a whole.. You’re whole wonderful life.
