Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Thank God it's Over! Presentations I mean... what a relief. AND that the essay wasn't due today was a miracle! Things are looking up.. until this weekend; the procrastination stops there!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm freaking out man!

When it rains it pours should be the qoute of my life! Okay, that's a bit dramatic. Dang when the end of the semester comes along I get so bogged down. I always tell myself that I am not going to procrastinate this year, but every year it's the same story. Well wish me luck on 2 research reports and 5 essays. Looks like I'll be up til 2am many nights to come.. YESSS!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

blog post #12

Blume, Judy. "Personal e-mail." E-mail to the author. 8 Nov. 08.

"Challenged in LA Unified." P.A.B.B.I.S. 11 Nov. 08

Jones, Stanley. "Finding Themes in Television Comedies." Modern Television 11 (1999): 37-52.

Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York, NY: Anchor Books, 1984

#11 Just call me Cupcake!

So I make cupcakes at least twice a week. My boyfriend Ryan eats most of them.. So tomorrow I am attempting the venture of baking a cake for my brother's birthday party. A two layer cake consisting of a red velvet bottom, chocolate frosting center, chocolate chunk top layer and vanilla frosting. My brother has played golf with my dad since he was 3 or 4 so I am making it a golf cake. I found an amazing cake decoration store and bought a little golfer with a cart and clubs and a flag for the hole. So I am going to make a sand trap, lake, green and a road for the gold cart! I am pretty excited! If anyone has any tips for good textures let me know!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


20 Questions about 2008

1. What is the most important life lesson that you learned in 2008?
to just be happy. take a deep breath and everything will be alright
2. What song or movie will always remind you of 2008?
Anything by Rebelution
3. What was the best thing you bought in 2008?
My Macbook
4. Did you suffer an illness or injury in 2008?
I am really clumsy so probably lol
5. Where did most of your money go in 2008?
To the mortgage where else?
6. What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before?

7. Quote a song lyric or movie line that best sums up your life in 2008.
"She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous" Counting Crows
8. Now that 2008 is almost over, which of your New Year's resolutions did you keep?
To be nicer to my boyfriend
9. Name your biggest achievement for 2008.
making cover of a magazine i guess
10. What do you wish you had done less of in 2008?
stress and worry
11. What dates from 2008 will remain etched in your memory?
12. What was your biggest disappointment in 2008?
The economy
13. Compared to 2007, are you richer/poorer, happier/sadder, sicker/healthier in 2008?
even, happier and healthier hey things are looking up
14. What political issue bothered you most?
i have a lot of problems with bias, I think everything should be straight forward and honest
15. If you could rewind and redo one event from 2008, what would it be?
pray that I could undo and event
16. What do you wish you had done more of in 2008?
I wish we would have went camping and hiking
17. What would you like to have in 2009 that you didn't have in 2008?

18. Name one habit that you developed and one that you broke in 2008.
I stopped biting my nails and cuticles
19. Name something that you discovered about yourself in 2008.
I can't do everything on my own. Sometimes I need help
20. What one thing would have made your life infinitely easier in 2008?
Money so I could just go to school and focus not go to work and stress all day

rap music and post #8

Blog about the ways in which popular music can be "dangerous" to society. Do you see the influence of singers and songwriters as positive or negative? Why?
Oddly enough I just had this conversation with a coworker who has a 5 year old daughter. She was listening to her ipod and he randomly took one of the ear buds out and took a listen just to see what she was listening to. Well it turns out it was a rap song basically degrading women and telling them to dress sleazier and to act like "ho's" Needless to say he was fairly upset and went immediately to his wife who listens to rap music and downloads the songs for their daughter. She told him that she didn't know that's what the song had said and then deleted the song from the ipod. I have noticed in increase in sexual activity and behavior among much younger children. Also girls are wearing make-up and dressing more provocatively. My little brother is a sophomore in hs and he told me girls are having sex very young.I wouldn't say it's all the music's fault but I definitely feel it plays a large role.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

War, what is it good for? absolutely nothing!

Do you agree or disagree with Aeschylus' statement that "in war, truth is the first casualty"? How does his statement relate to the issue of censorship?
I agree.. I wouldn't go as far as to say that if people saw the true tragedy of war, war would cease to exist, and the reason for this is people already know how ugly war is. That is why it is called war. Maybe people in society rationalize things so much so that they think war is all flowers and hugs. But for me and most people I know, we know how traumatic and terrible war is. People don't want to see it. I don't think these photos should be shown on national television because it forces people to see it when they don't want to. But I also don't think it should be censored. I feel that there should be websites with images such as these so people who want to view them can and people who don't, don't have to. Also the families of the deceased in the photos smust give permission for the world to see. Otherwise it is unethical.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

co-worker troubles..

If you could convince one person to change his or her mind about something, whom would you choose and what would you try to convince that person to see differently?

I think I would convince a woman at my work to leave her alcoholic, abusive husband. He was fired from our company for coming to work drunk all the time and stealing. He then proceeded to live off her measly income for a year and a half, he finally just got a job and she is so proud! (and about to lose her home). I have tried and tried to tell her this situation is hurting her and her son. She "feels bad" because he has a "problem" it's so ridiculous I don't even want to talk to her anymore you know? I feel bad but I have enough troubles of my own to listen to her broken record of a life she has the power to change. Sorry if I sound bitter instead of caring, but this has gone on too long..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fun blog woo!


1. Based on your best personality trait, what kind of animal would you be?
I am often calling myself a night owl, however they are carnivorous and since I'm a veggie girl that wouldn't work out for me. So I guess a gazelle so I can graze and run like the wind

2. What is your favorite green vegetable?
OOOH my favorite..I love asparagus and broccoli.

3. A group of aliens has landed in the OC. What is the most important thing they need to know about the place?
this is a hard one..I guess they must visit the beach

4. Where should someone go for the best burger ever?
I don't eat burgers but if you want an amazing veggie burger head to Islands

5. How many of the 50 U.S. states have you visited?

6. What's your life motto?
A new one I am trying is "It is what is is" lol real positive eh?

7. Name three things that you must have with you at all times.
At all times? nothing really... well I drink A LOT of water so maybe a big bottle of Dasani

8. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?
Light my Fire. The Doors (i love Jim)

9. Would you rather be a tree or a flower? Why?
I would like to be one of those trees that has lilac colored flowers that drop all over the sidewalks I love those.. OH OH OR those Trees that have deep purple leaves, those are gorgeous

10. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
Geez my hair is dirty!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog Post #5

4. What is the one thing that you found most surprising, shocking, or disturbing about What Johnny Shouldn't Read so far? What about it surprises, shocks, or disturbs you?

What I found most shocking about the book thus far was the fundamentalists themselves. It's difficult because I am Catholic but don't share any of these views with the fundamentalists or "born-again" Christians. As a matter of fact they don't associate themselves with Catholics either and think Catholics are not Christians.. hmm I wonder where their religion stemmed from then.. I can't believe these parents would rather their children not learn about other religions or cultures at all. When I have children I want them to learn of all cultures and all people around the world. I want them to learn it is okay to be different and that it doesn't mean these people are evil. When I was a little girl I used to read books from a series in which unicorns ruled a world other than our own and there were little delvers that were the bad guys. A little earth girl whom the book was about got stuck in the other world. I have the fondest memory of those stories and I think it helped give me imagination (oh wait that's bad right?) In "Johnny" the fundamentalists don't want their children to read anything of the sort. My book would have been banned from school because of the "magic" aspect and the fact that the unicorn cold speak and understand any language. (he also had healing powers in his horn but we won't go there) My magical fairy tale stories never affected my beliefs in God. It is a story, and children know that in most cases. These people are trying to give their children a childhood in which reality has no place. When they grow up and see what the outside world really looks like they won't be ready. And lastly, I just have a problem with these parents because they give all "Christians" a bad name. And Delfattore is right on when she says it's not really about religion for these people but more about politics.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Blog post #4

2. California and Texas dominate the censorship of textbooks at the publication level. Does the fact that one state is traditionally liberal and the other traditionally conservative help or hinder the accuracy of textbooks? Why?
This definitely hinders the accuracy of text books in my opinion. In either state certain facts are left out. It is understandable that there is not enough room for everything in the texts. However the fact that special interest groups are the people deciding what stays and what goes is very scary. Text books should be written from a completely unbiased standpoint. They should be as accurate as possible in order for students to get a full understanding of the subject matter and make what they want to out of it. In Texas they are very conservative and clearly want the generations to follow to be the same. As is the case with California but from the liberal standpoint. This is working very well for them, as Texas continues to become more conservative and California continues to become more liberal. Which is, in a way, pitting these people against each other. In the reading it states "in 2004, both publishers and the Texas board of education agreed to a proposal, at Frey’s urging, that clearly defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman in health textbooks." This is ridiculous to me because the institution of marriage is a very new idea in the western world. In ancient Rome there were recognized marriages between both sexes and it was not shameful nor wrong in those times. Why can't we just get the facts? Do California and Texas think people in their states are so dense that they can't know the truth because they wouldn't know what to do with it? Or do Texas and California simply want to shape and mold each generation into exactly what they want them to be? Another quote from the reading that really bothered me was, "These guidelines have become increasingly complicated and dictatorial, to the point that they include a list of over 500 words that are banned from all textbooks. For example, to satisfy the feminists, according to Ravitch, “words that include the prefix or suffix man or men must be excluded; such words as manpower, chairman, forefathers, freshman, businessmen, and mankind are banned.” How ridiculous? Really, what are we supposed to change the vocabulary and dictionary of the country because some feminists say so? NO! I JUDT WANT THE FACTS MAN!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Disappointment and such..

Sad to say I did terribly on the first essay. I am disappointed in myself! UGH i hate bad grades.. I need to practice writing I guess. Hope everyone else did better than me.. or do I? Misery does love company. lol.. no I really hope everyone did well. that's all for now..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tyranny of the Majority and the Trail of Tears..

Think about the American experiment in democracy. Discuss one specific example of tyranny of the majority in American history or contemporary American society

This was difficult to find a good example, however I remembered in my history class last semester about how the whites in America forced the Native Americans to up and leave their homes so they could expand further towards California. I believe this was the time of Andrew Jackson. They felt America as a nation was "destined" by God to expand from "sea to shining sea." Jackson had many followers at the time and it was not difficult to persuade the majority to go for this "Manifest Destiny" So many Native lives were lost and ruined. We learned about the "Indian Removal Act" how Jackson quickly signed off on this, and the "Trail of Tears." They treated a minority of human beings as savages and marched them off their own lands to either re-locate or die along the way (which many did) The majority felt Natives were savages and therefore this was justified. Sad and sickening really. However what the Spanish did to South America some might consider far worse.. The past is filled with disheartening facts that are sometimes difficult to hear..

Saturday, September 6, 2008

John Milton's Areopagitica

Milton argues that truth becomes "heresy" when people believe things only because their pastors or governments say they are true. According to Milton, why is this dangerous?

Milton argued that believing everything that pastors or governments say was dangerous because you are trusting these people in places of power to make decisions for you. There are corrupt people in every walk of life; so who is to say just because one is a pastor he/she will be honest, or do the make the right decisions for the majority of the people. Governement officials (especially) are not to be trusted to look out for the people's best interests. Milton felt this went back to the Stuart Tyranny, and that they were taking a step backwards in history. We cannot let others think for us or filter the truth. Milton argues that truth can't exist in a world of censorship. It is best we are given all the facts (real facts, not just whatever they feel like telling us) and judge and think for ourselves. It is scary to think that the population of America watches the news and makes decisions based on partial facts that are being filtered to us. And yet we think we are so free. RIGHT...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Blog 1

What is the one book you'd want to have on a deserted island? Why?
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Even though I cry through the whole thing I am fascinated with the idea and the story. It has a happy ending which helps to make up for all the sadness you must endure.

Name a movie that you have seen more than twice. What do you like about it?
Elf with Will Ferrell. It's hilarious! My brother and I have watched it countess times and we know every word. The thing I like about it is it's not vulgar humor.

Turn on your iPod or MP3 player and set it to shuffle. What are the first five songs that play?
The End- The Doors
Hotel California-Eagles
Karma Police-Radiohead
Paint it Black-The Rolling Stones
The Good left Undone- Rise Against

What is your best personality trait? Your worst?
I am very honest and dependable; I am a true friend.
I have a bit of a temper.

What is the last thing you wrote?
It was an essay for my education class but I forget what about.

Name five possessions you can't live without.
ipod (some form of music), cellular device, mom's diamond ring, necklace with my late friends ashes, my Mac

When in a group, do you lead or follow?
In class groups I used to be a follower, but in my last project I took initiative and lead.

You received a gift of $1,000. What do you do with it?
Put it in the bank and be thankful I can pay the mortgage! haha

What is the best advice you've ever gotten, and who gave it to you?
"You need to look at the brighter side of life" My Mother on my negativity