Sunday, November 2, 2008


20 Questions about 2008

1. What is the most important life lesson that you learned in 2008?
to just be happy. take a deep breath and everything will be alright
2. What song or movie will always remind you of 2008?
Anything by Rebelution
3. What was the best thing you bought in 2008?
My Macbook
4. Did you suffer an illness or injury in 2008?
I am really clumsy so probably lol
5. Where did most of your money go in 2008?
To the mortgage where else?
6. What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before?

7. Quote a song lyric or movie line that best sums up your life in 2008.
"She has trouble acting normal when she's nervous" Counting Crows
8. Now that 2008 is almost over, which of your New Year's resolutions did you keep?
To be nicer to my boyfriend
9. Name your biggest achievement for 2008.
making cover of a magazine i guess
10. What do you wish you had done less of in 2008?
stress and worry
11. What dates from 2008 will remain etched in your memory?
12. What was your biggest disappointment in 2008?
The economy
13. Compared to 2007, are you richer/poorer, happier/sadder, sicker/healthier in 2008?
even, happier and healthier hey things are looking up
14. What political issue bothered you most?
i have a lot of problems with bias, I think everything should be straight forward and honest
15. If you could rewind and redo one event from 2008, what would it be?
pray that I could undo and event
16. What do you wish you had done more of in 2008?
I wish we would have went camping and hiking
17. What would you like to have in 2009 that you didn't have in 2008?

18. Name one habit that you developed and one that you broke in 2008.
I stopped biting my nails and cuticles
19. Name something that you discovered about yourself in 2008.
I can't do everything on my own. Sometimes I need help
20. What one thing would have made your life infinitely easier in 2008?
Money so I could just go to school and focus not go to work and stress all day

1 comment:

Laurie Young said...

I skipped some oops!
6. I went wine tasting
11. Our little love trip to Pismo Beach. My boyfriend got us the penthouse sweet with a panoramic view of the ocean and a fireplace..
17. Peace of mind