Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tyranny of the Majority and the Trail of Tears..

Think about the American experiment in democracy. Discuss one specific example of tyranny of the majority in American history or contemporary American society

This was difficult to find a good example, however I remembered in my history class last semester about how the whites in America forced the Native Americans to up and leave their homes so they could expand further towards California. I believe this was the time of Andrew Jackson. They felt America as a nation was "destined" by God to expand from "sea to shining sea." Jackson had many followers at the time and it was not difficult to persuade the majority to go for this "Manifest Destiny" So many Native lives were lost and ruined. We learned about the "Indian Removal Act" how Jackson quickly signed off on this, and the "Trail of Tears." They treated a minority of human beings as savages and marched them off their own lands to either re-locate or die along the way (which many did) The majority felt Natives were savages and therefore this was justified. Sad and sickening really. However what the Spanish did to South America some might consider far worse.. The past is filled with disheartening facts that are sometimes difficult to hear..

1 comment:

Carleen said...

This is an excellent example of tyranny of the majority at work but even better, it also supports Mill's fear of popular opinion and how it is the driving force behind a democratic government. Popular opinion isn't always right, as in the case of the treatment of Native Americans, be they in the north, center, or south. Sadly, it's not until the damage is done that we recognize just how harmful popular opinion can be.