Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blogging again..

but I decided I like this whole blogging thing. I have many opinions that cease to become verbalized. So here we are again. I am starting school soon and need to freshen up my writing skills. What better way to do it than blogging! anyhow..

Today: I woke up to a ticket on my rental vehicle stating that my rear end was too far from the curb. I think the city comes by every single morning to make money off my dumb ass. The day got better as it went on, pretty boring but at least no more bad news. I went to the gym even though I felt like shite and when I showered off after the costco-sized-conditioner fell on my foot and actually knocked my off my feet. it was excruciating to say the least. So now that is swelling as I write. Good times. Tomorrow can only be better right?? let's hope!

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